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Sowing Action Plan
                                       Sowing Times: August/September or March/April.

'On The Verge' will provide you with seed and if you are a community project, and need assistance , we can organise for the ground to be prepared by the Criminal Justice Service.





Find a suitable piece of land:


  • Choose an open, sunny site.

  • Make sure to obtain permission from the landowner.

  • An area that is already full of vigorous vegetation may prove too much for wildflower seedlings

  • Before you dig anything out, check and see what species are already growing there

  • Areas which have been cut out of short grass work well.

(NB. Sowing seeds directly into existing vegetation is unlikely to work.)



  • Avoid soils that are too rich, do not add fertiliser.

  • If necessary remove the top layer to reveal subsoil as this will often be less rich.


Shelter: Sites need to be protected where possible from exposure to strong wind and hard rain.

Terrain: Flat to gently sloping preferable. 

Drainage: Avoid water logged ground.


Good Weather for Sowing:

If possible, choose a calm day to sow the site with the On the Verge wildflower seed mix.

Land Preparation:

Cut out any existing grass or vegetation and rotovate or dig over the soil.

Rake over to remove any large stones or clods of earth ready for sowing.

Seed Coverage:

Seed should be evenly spread across the soil at a ratio of

2 grams per square metre. 2 grams = one level teaspoon.

25.06.15 - Viewforth, Stirling


Seed Preparation

The seed can be mixed in a cup with dry silver sand to help spread it evenly, the sand will help you to see what has been sown.

Use one cup for 1 m Sq.

Map out your site:

Divide the area into square metres to ensure even seed distribution.

02.04.15 - Cambusbarron Park

Soil, Seed Sowing

Seed Scattering:

Pour the seed/sand mix into your palm.

Scatter the seed close to the ground to avoid seed blowing away, moving backwards and forwards across the area to ensure even distribution.


Lightly rake over the seed and then tread over the area so that the seed makes good contact with the soil.

Do not bury the seed!

21.04.16 - Buchanan Primary

Signage & Presentation of your site:

So that the public understand that the area has been set aside for the growing of wildflowers it is a good idea to place a sign in a prominent place. It can also be useful to cut a path around the flowers to frame the area and indicate that this is a managed site.

Cross your fingers and hope for rain and warm sun in equal measures.



At the beginning of October cut back the wildflowers and remove the cut to allow next year’s flowers to grow. 

Our seed mix is made up of annual, biennial and perennial nectar-rich, native Scottish wildflowers. The annuals will flower in the first year and thereafter the perennials will establish and should provide a permanent wildflower area for the enjoyment of people and pollinators alike.

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